Friday, October 23, 2009

What are you doing with the kids this weekend?

For me, the major reason to keep the home running smoothly is to provide a serene, pleasant environment for our family, and more time to spend with our children.

This weekend, we actually don't have any specific plans with the kids. But on Saturday morning, I'll be attending a meeting of a mother's organization I recently joined. The children are divided into age groups and each month, a different mom plans an activity for the entire age group. I chose January for both age groups in order to have to plan only one activity (see! always organizing!). Our groups will be taking a guided tour of a local insect museum and then going to lunch. Although it's a ways off, I'm really looking forward to it!

So why not take YOUR kids to a museum this weekend?

1 comment:

Yakini said...

I love the idea of a mom's group - I wish I could find one in my area for moms of babies/near toddlers. I know of only one in the Long Island area but it's predomintly Caucasin - Id like to join one that's a bit more diverse though, u know what I mean?


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