Thursday, October 22, 2009


As the saying goes: "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!"

As mothers, although it is certainly important to spend time taking care of our families and homes, it is equally important to take care of ourselves. Taking care of ourselves means taking care of our physical, emotional and spiritual selves. And if we can look cute doing all of that then so much the better!

On Thursdays you'll find posts about just those issues: MommyFit (finding the time and motivation to keep physically fit and healthy), MommySpirit (nurturing your state of mind), and MommyStyle (fashion and shopping, shopping, shopping!).

Let's start by talking fitness. Prior to having my children, I was a bit of a gym rat. But I have to admit, I worked out not so much for health, but for social interaction (my first gym was what some call a "meat market") and for the sake of my appearance (hey, how do you think I snagged Hubby P.?). Once I had my first son, I was (obviously) interested in getting back in shape, but I found that my workout took on a new value for me. It was a time of day when I could just focus on myself. I am capable of managing many priorities, but when I feel pulled in too many directions, I can get a bit cranky.

My post-partum work out of choice was a lot of cardio, but specifically boxing classes. Let me tell you something: boxing is a terrific workout!!! Coincidentally, the class was mostly women. The instructor had us warm up with calisthenics, then jump rope for up to 10 minutes (a LOT harder than it sounds!), and then we did speed drills punching the heavy bag or individually with the instructor holding the pads. The classes were an hour long, one evening per week and I LOVED it! They were so strenuous, I had to warm up for at least half an hour prior to class. But all that punching was a great way to get out any stresses of the day.

I attended boxing classes from six weeks post partum until I returned to work after a five month maternity leave. By the time I returned to work, I had lost all but eight pounds of my baby weight (and I gained over....a five year old). My arms were cut and my abs were strong. I can't recommend boxing classes enough.

Here's some information to help you determine if a boxing workout is right for you:

After I returned to work, I changed my exercise schedule to morning workouts. More on that in another post.

1 comment:

Yakini said...

Oh wow, how cool that you box! Omg, i think id be nervous about acidentally losing a tooth or somethinh (lol). It does seem like a great workout though, cuz u are like moving everything! I saw the cutest pink gloves on ebay too! Hmmmmmmm.... LOL


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