Here are a few of my favorite organizing websites:
1. Get Organized Now
This has to be my favorite. I believe it is really the best and most comprehensive organizing web resource I have come across. You can subscribe to a very useful weekly newsletter and get free organizing content just for subscribing. There is also a great discussion forum community.
Get Organized Now
Bonus! Monica Ricci: She's a professional organizer out of the Atlanta area who has appeared on HGTV's Mission Organization several times. I believe I came across her at the Get Organized Now website, and I just like her!
Monica's blog
Her business website: Catalyst Organizing
2. FlyLady
The FlyLady is Marla Cilley of North Carolina. In 1999, Cilley created a Yahoo support group based on the home management principles of a book called Sidetracked Home Executives: From Pigpen to Paradise by Pam Young and Peggy Jones (1977). The group was a mentoring system geared toward housewives and Flylady sends several emails daily at intervals reminding subscribers, called FlyBabies, to get up from the computer and do various tasks around the house. The Yahoo group grew into a website in February 2001, and the email reminder service was recently moved to a separate company.
The Flylady is a bonafide phenomenon. I joined the group around 2000, right after I had my first son, when there only a few hundred members. Now there are MILLIONS of members, books, products, and several spin off industries. I still receive the emails but only read them occasionally (they repeat, and the goal is for you to eventually become FlyWashed - she even created her own language! - so that you know what to do without reading the email) and I will never unsubscribe.
3. Messies Anonymous
Founded by The Organizer Lady, Sandra Felton, this site offers "support for Messies who struggle to control clutter and organize for order at home and work...(and)organizing help and tips to eliminate clutter and junk, organize your house, and simplify your life. Like FlyLady, she offers support groups through Yahoo with daily coaching emails, and has written numerous books. For some reason I get the feeling that this site is geared more toward compulsives or hoarders, but maybe that's just me.
Messies Anonymous
An oldie but a goodie. One of the first ones I found when I started searching for organizing resources. Includes the concept of a Household Notebook as a resource to keep all household schedules and information, complete with a wide range of printable worksheets to help get you started. Also the home of the Houseworks Holiday Plan, a week by week preparation countdown to the end of year holidays, which has now also grown into a book, HouseWorks.
Thanks for the tips. I'll be going to these sites.
Thanks for these sites!
Here's my organizing website. Enjoy!
Another organizing website:
FREE weekly tips, articles, product recommendations, places to donate unwanted items and much more!
Useful list of sites, I liked especially the well written comments on each one.
Check this one too, especially women will love it – easy to use agenda organizer to manage and share contents - recipes, photos, stories, links, anything:
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