As a working mother, there is no way that I could even begin to get out of the house in the morning without systems. When I had my first son, my control of my time spiraled out of control and my household organization followed suit. I began to voraciously read and research ways to simplify and systematize my life so that I could spend time with my family and still manage my household. Some of the top books that made such an impression on me that I keep them as part of my personal collection are:
1. Totally Organized by Bonnie McCullough
This is the best book for beginning to design household systems. McCullough gives practical advice for how to organize your housework, home spaces, and your kids.
Bonus! Confessions of An Organized Homemaker - The Secrets of Uncluttering Your Home and Taking Care of Your Life by Deniece Schofield
Organizing your home systems and busting clutter.
2. The Procrastinator's Handbook by Rita Emmett
Why? Because your systems won't work if you procrastinate in designing and implementing them! Emmett explains why we put off the decisions we need to make to get rid of clutter and start getting organized.
3. How to Get Organized When You Don't Have the Time - by Stephanie Culp
An excellent resource on time and schedule management.
4. Organized to Be Your Best by Susan Silver
Actually geared more toward workplace organization. Good organization in the workplace will transfer to the home, and vice versa. Silver teaches time management and goal setting, and paper and electronic file management, among other things.
5. Ready, Set, Organize! A Workbook for the Organizationally Challenged by Pipi Campbell Peterson
A comprehensive resource concentrating on time management, storage, and home office and records organization.
Thanks for the book referrals. Now question: For someone like me who doesnt have a lot of time for leisure reading... which one is the most concise (ie, shortest) but also thorough? Or, better yet, is there like a Cliff-Notes version available of all 3? (lol - shame on me)
Ready,Set,Organize is probably the right book for you. It's a fast and entertaining read that will give anyone the nuts and bolts to form good organizing habits. I'm not aware of any Cliff Notes versions, but hey, that's what the blog's for! :) Thanks for reading!
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